Decorative header.

Portfolio undergoing renovations. Mind the dust.
DISCLAIMER: Most pages here are image-heavy.
Hey there, my name's Cecilia! I am a digital and traditional artist based in Europe, self-taught since age 9.This page is intended as both a showcase of my abilities over the years and (in the case of my more recent pieces) as examples of what I'm capable of for my commissions page.I do not update this portfolio regularly- it's intended as a slightly more professional space to show off pieces that I feel are most indicative of my current style/artistic ability. If you're looking for more recent examples of my art, you can check out my Tumblr or my profile!


This page lists every section currently present in the portfolio, for ease of accessibility.

  • Sketches - Examples of my sketchwork. Traditional & digital.

  • Flat Color - Examples of my unshaded/unrendered pieces. Digital only.

  • Full Color - Examples of my fully shaded/rendered work. Digital only. Typically cel shaded.

  • Icons - 128x128 character icons. Digital.

  • Experimental - Examples of my experimental work and style tests. Typically digital, inconsistent quality.


Regardless of whether they're done traditionally or digitally, my sketches tend to be really clean. Having clear and defined linework means it's easier for me to go back over the linework and make changes later. Now that I think about it, the distinction between 'sketch' and 'I'm done with this' for me is kind of arbitrary.Sketches make up the bulk of my artistic output.

Click on images to enlarge and see captions!


Decorative header image.

The reason that I have such a huge number of sketches is because...I mean, you can guess, can't you? I've been drawing since I was 9, and a good chunk of that time was spent drawing in class whenever the impulse hit me (which was often).Here's a timeline of my older sketches so you can see how I've developed over the years!

As a sidenote, these timeline pages are more trips down memory lane for me than anything else. They are not intended as a professional point of reference (unless you are a client and think my tweenage/teenage art is impressive).Tap out at anytime by scrolling up here or to the bottom of the page for the 'home' or 'back' buttons!

...I'll start with these drawings from at some point in 2012 or sooner to set the tone here.

Obviously, at that point I didn't really make the distinction of things being sketches- everything back then to me was just "drawing", and I didn't understand the concept of sketching out a base instead of just freehanding everything forever -but they kind of fit my current internal definition, so they get to be included here.

Jumping ahead, 2015-2016 are the next years where I have properly dated sketches- this was the era where I actually started to take my art "seriously", for lack of a better word for it, and tried paying close attention to what other artists could do that I felt I couldn't.2016 was also when I started trying to draw humans in any sort of detail! This was for the sake of making fanart and fancharacters for the stuff I was getting into at the time.Also, this is the first digital record I found of art of my dog. Yay.

Moving into 2017 you can see me starting to experiment more with more human figures, though at this point I was still drawing a lot of animals. I like animals.I also started doing things with expressions! I wasn't too good at getting characters shaped the way I wanted them to look, but I found I could cover up that weakness a little if I focused on showing off their personalities/expressiveness. I wouldn't get adventurous with it for a few years, but here's where it really started, I think.

Yeah. Big year for me. I was of course in high school art class at the time, but I wanted to draw characters and my teachers were trying their best to teach me (ugh) the fundamentals. Yawn, right?That said. I actually loved art class at the time- it wouldn't be until later years when I would grow a distaste for it (that is, when assignments started including weekly prompts and my interpretations of the prompts were given failing grades for not being exactly as said).Speaking of later years...

2018!2018 is mostly just a continuation of the trends set in 2017- I keep struggling to figure out how I wanna draw human bodies, I keep trying to figure out how to do expressions and poses, and there's still a lot of animals.In 2018 I also dabbled in making 'speedpaints' on YouTube for a bit, and though that's less relevant here (moreso in the sections for colored art) it meant I was putting more pressure on myself to produce sketches that I wasn't embarrassed of.Poor kid.

You can pretty clearly see here my struggle with making human characters look...distinct in a way that wasn't just a different hairstyle/different facial expressions.At this time I remember I was mostly focusing on being able to consistently draw a human body at all, but I'd be lying if I said facial diversity wasn't on my mind (and a genuine point of insecurity!)The way I draw faces actually hasn't really changed much to this day, I've mostly just started to draw eyes smaller and taken advantage more existing.

2019 IS WHEN I FINALLY START GETTING IT!!! This is the first year that I remember actually feeling more confident in drawing humans rather than having a 50/50 of being ok with my art or hating it. How to deal with proportions and diversify traits still eluded me, but poses were coming a little more naturally to me now!A side effect of this, though, is I started drawing animals and anthro characters a lot less, focusing mostly on human and humanoid figures.

(You can tell I really liked this guy. I first made him in 2019 and drew him a lot that year. Here, have a drawing of him beat up and also a frame redraw from this video that I used to be obsessed with.)

This was also the year when I started really hating art class (alluded to in the 2017 paragraphs). The sketch that really made the dislike set in isn't featured in this set because I don't really think it's a good show of my skills progressing, but I think...The prompt was something about water, doesn't really matter what specifically, I drew a zombie mermaid infected by real-life fish parasites I'd researched and wrote about, then got a bad grade because "mermaids aren't real" and my teacher wanted me to draw real things (was not in the prompt or the assignment instructions).Anyway I'm still bitter. I would continue to butt heads with this teacher because I kept being punished for her instructions/assignments being unclear, and after that year I never took another art class again.

This is. The. "Oh something is happening to me" year. Aside 2020 being the year of COVID-19 being brought into the public eye (with lockdowns claiming the latter half of my senior year of high school from like March onward), 2020 was the year I started...really grasping clothing folds, I think?If you look back at previous years, you can definitely tell I was making at least token attempts, but this was the year I started really paying attention to it (even if I was too insecure to try most of the time). I was using a lot more reference images than I used to this year, I think.I'm also, like, still struggling with the human body at that point, but I did a lot more creature/animal drawings this year which I think served me well. I like animals.

I think...while 2019 I drew A Lot, 2020 is where I feel like I started actually figuring out where to apply things I'd learned. The improvement isn't immediately notable, but you can see certain aspects of my art refining, you can see me trying little by little to do more, etc etc.



Bust ($15)
Bust ($15) + Fullbody ($25)
Fullbody ($25)


Halfbody ($25)
Halfbody, technically ($25)
Halfbody ($25)


128x128 character icons. Mostly used on my part as icons for written character profiles, but I also offer them as commissions (and occasionally draw them as gifts for friends).These generally have simple backgrounds made with simple shapes and overlay layers, mostly cel shaded with some blurred out pieces of shading/highlighting.